Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Half-Melted Chocolate & Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (Wonderful Memories)

When I think of you,
I think of warm summers
spent beach side with
half-melted chocolate &
vanilla bean ice cream,
(you never ate anything other than vanilla bean)
and we always used to
chase butterflies &
crickets in the field behind my house,
but we never caught anything,
not like we ever cared
because it was fun &
the grass was perfect for falling backwards into
& landing with soft "thuwumps"
& shrieking laughter
(it was the most beautiful thing I ever heard)

We used to watch clouds go by
& pick out shapes,
even making up a few &
I always went along because your ideas
were just
good (& you were too)
& I told you my secrets
& you listened with open ears
because that's who you were
(an amazing person)
like sweet half-melted chocolate &
vanilla bean ice cream,
beach side on warm summer days
(sometimes I wonder where all that time went)

I saw my little sister
playing with you the other day &
was jealous
(what I wouldn't give to be 7 again)
& wished that I could be out there with you
laughing & talking & eating vanilla bean ice cream & half-melted chocolate
& for a moment I discarded reality &
joined you in the fields
for one last beautiful day
with vanilla bean ice cream & half-melted chocolate
before it all came back &
I had to be normal again,
because teenagers don't play with
imaginary friends

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